Thursday, January 21, 2010

Conquering Fears Through Conkerr Cancer

January isn't over yet, so it isn't too late to make your resolution. How about trying something new?

Helping a child conquer his or her anxieties while in hospital isn't easy for a mama and daddy. They are in pain and don't feel well, they miss being home, wearing cozies, eating yummy food, everything about home. And in many cases, like Ian's last fall, he missed his sister. And his big sister missed him, even though she wasn't sure why.

Ian has a severe blood clotting disorder called Von Willebrand, and apparently an undiagnosed bleeding issue along with the VWd. When he caught H1N1 last fall he had a massive internal bleed that caused him to be hospitalized for a full week. The bleeding patients and the cancer patients share a floor and medical staff, so because of the H1N1 outbreak, Ian couldn't have any visitors under the age of 18. Even Eleanor, his sister.

This is where ConKerr Cancer comes into the story. People from all of the country make pillow cases out of bold, bright, pretty and just fun fabrics. They then donate them to Conkerr Cancer, an organization that distributes the pillowcases to children's hospitals all over the country. The incredibly thoughtful staff at Akron Children's Hospital not only gave pillowcases to Ian, but he gave us matching ones for Elly, who was at home with Grandma missing all of us.

It is so easy to make a pillowcase and so many of us have a stash of fabric large enough that we could never use it up in our lifetime. Please consider making some for a little one. Many quilt shops are drop-off sights, so make a call to your favorite shop or go to for all of the information you need.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

And it starts with a new banner

Thanks to Kelly at Bohemian Flea Market, I have a beautiful new banner. and I LOVE my new banner! It suits me perfectly, my favorite colors, my grandma Dulcie is tucked in and she shows off my jewelry beautifully.

Please go to her shop and pick a new banner or avatar for your shop - She has great banners for holidays, sales and of course, she will do a custom job for you.

Thanks again Kelly

Monday, January 18, 2010

Adventures Lead to Decision

How did a rockn' family get together in Southern Ohio, swimming with the kids and a side trip into West Virginia make me realize that I wasn't being true to how I work and whatI make.
I'm sure the after party chatter about family and the pictures that were handed down to us had something to do with it. But the trip into West Virginia was the catalyst to my change of thought during the long, quiet ride home.

I love West Virginia. The mountains, the people, especially the craftsmanship of the heritage arts. A large part of my family history is from Appalachia ~ West Virginia, Cumberland County Maryland, the mountains of North Carolina ~ and I was taught that these people were every bit as important to who I am as the ships captain that sailed colonists to Australia or my grandparents and dad who spent 4 years as POW's in WWII Philippines.
I have heard the stories, read their letters and poetry and sleep under quilts my great-grandmothers made.

Every vintage piece I collect and every piece of jewelry I make has a story, and every story comes to me with the repairs I make and and the designs I choose. These stories are every bit as important to me as what I make.

With that; I am going to put together a marketing strategy that is true to my work, hitting the brick and mortars in the area and approaching etsy in a way that is creative and comfortable for me. Yay me!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Favorite Things

Breakfast for Supper is one of my most favorite things!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Photo Contest Update

I've posted new and did some editing.
So far the winning photo is the cinnabar earrings. I used natural light, a simple background and I posted multiple views. The earrings went from 3 views to 10. Granted, I would like more than 3 views, but some of that is promotion, tagging and the fact that etsy is saturated with little earrings.

However, I need to use something else for propping, other than shells. My favorite items are not getting the hits I thought they would. I am sure it is because they are blending into the background on the light shells. Any tips for a great jewelry prop?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Some New Pics

I've taken new pictures and have re-taken some too, using some of the advise I have been given.What do you think?

I used as much natural light as I could, with the addition of lamps my husband purchased for me. And I used a few props. I think they are better, but only views and sales will tell.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

CONTEST! Running from ASAP until January 31

Okay, I'm desparate - Just look at my shop.
Funny thing is, I'm a good photographer. That is if I am outdoors and my subject is flower or fauna. If my subject is a pair of pearl earrings or a charm bracelet, I'm sunk.

So here is the CONTEST

I want any and all ideas for taking winning etsy shop photos.

I am not the only one that needs help, so I think this will be a winner for everyone involved. I need better lighting - any tips? Because my windows and indoor lighting are not enough. I need a better backdrop for jewelry. Apparently, a white sheet is too bland and the light bounces off of it in an odd way. And I need a lesson on display for etsy - I just need HELP!

Post all of your ideas for taking great etsy photos - I will try every idea and then post my photos here, I will also use the idea in my shop on a regular basis.

Who wins? I will choose a winner from a combination of reader feedback and views I get in etsy.
What is the prize you ask? Everyone that lists a winning idea will receive a pearl charm bracelet.

Thanks and Good Luck!

Photo Mania

Other esty seller know my pain... taking photos.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day, because I have made several items that I want to list before Valentines Day.

Does anyone have any tips?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Updating the etsy Shop - Already

After the excitement of having a sale, I've been making new pieces and trying to have face time on the forums. I've learned quite a lot over the past few days and one of those things is that I need to take better photos. I am sooo trying to do that, but it is a burr in my side. And I've decided to re-set my prices. I don't have an issue with pricing at the B&M, Uniquely Yours, here in town, but Internet pricing is different.So at DulciesDaughters you will find all earrings under $15.00 and bracelets under $20.00. Necklaces and vintage will continue to to be varied but prices will always be fair.Hopefully this will continue the sales... I'm keeping my fingers crossed and getting to work.

Vintage Upcycle Necklace

Vintage GrannySquare Sweater

Another upcycle necklace from a freshwater pearl cluster earring with glass beads added

Friday, January 1, 2010

Have You Made Your New Years Resolution?

I've made a couple myself...

1. Finish my father-in-law's quilt before his birthday in February - Being my 1st "real" quilt, I'm at the actual quilting part of this project and now at a standstill. I hate making mistakes, but will continue this weekend.

2. Work on my etsy store like it's a business. Because it is. WooHoo! I made a sale for New Year, This has got to be a sign.

I have a few ideas for those of you who may not have made a resolution. Or possibly you could add one of these to your list.

1. Give Blood. You will save lives, possibly my little Ian's life. You could even arrange to have a blood drive in your local school. Schools can earn money through this good deed!

2. Make pillowcases for conkerrcancer

3. Give gently used, quality clothing to the Davey Kids Closet (davey Elementary Kent, Ohio)Or start your own kids closet in your child's school. Donate new panties for little "accidents", new socks, gently used coats, boots and other clothing for kids who are in need.